Walk lightly on the earth

Make the Earth your companion. Walk lightly on it, as other creatures do” J. Patrick Lewis

I like to walk lightly on the earth. I like to walk over tree roots, and down winding country paths, a little muddy in winter, dry and dusty in summer, over nobbly rises in the ground, and under the arching branches of hawthorn, birch, and crab apple. I like to pass by badger setts, and nibble on bilberries, and examine the ivy crawling up the bright bark of a birch tree. I like to feel the boggy ground bouncing beneath my feet and wonder what might be around the next twist and turn in the way I am following. This describes a part of the Girley Bog walk, parallel to what has become known as the Orchard Field, since a forward-thinking NPWS staff member planted it with mostly native Irish apple trees. It was a narrow pathway that linked two sections of the looped walk and by all accounts that I have received in the past few days, rather treasured by local walkers.

“The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose!”
Poem of the Road, Walt Whitman

Unfortunately it has been deemed necessary to cover this earthen, winding path in 804 hardcore without any consultation with the local community or the walkers who tramp these trails every day. Tree branches have been cut back, and a digger has cleared the pathway, throwing mounds of earth to the side and covering over the underground tunnels made by badgers. I can only assume they checked the setts were empty before this work was started. It may have been done with the best of intentions and I know it is likely that health & safety reasons will be given to justify this new path. This is an unfortunate by-product of our litigious culture and lawsuits such as this, however pivotal to this case was the boardwalk, rather than natural ‘risks’ such as tree roots.

But do we who like our wild places a bit scruffy and messy (and that is mostly how nature and wildlife likes it too) always have to play second fiddle to ideas of ‘progress’ in this age-old tension between the needs of humans and nature? A “bog walk” by its nature suggests the paths and terrain might require a little negotiation and care. The “Moderate” grading assigned to this Looped Walk also takes into account its nature, described here as having “relatively narrow undulating trails, variable surface including loose material, uneven in places, steps, protruding roots and rocks, stiles and gates, bog bridges and boardwalks”. A consultation with local people might have yielded some kind of compromise such as a hoggin pathway that gave greater stability but would be more natural and earthy underfoot. And perhaps allow the odd tree root to peek through, for those of us who like to see such wonders and don’t consider them a nuisance.

This pathway didn’t traverse an area rich in biodiversity, nor was it part of the EU priority raised bog habitat, but people don’t see the landscape as designations, valuing more than is captured by ecological surveys. It added character, old hedgerow charm, and a shady passage to this section of the bog walk. I searched for pictures of it and only found a few, but that there were any meant it was a place of meaning for me, whose loveliness I wanted to capture. Robert Macfarlane in his book “The Old Ways” describes paths as “the habits of a landscape. They are acts of consensual making. It’s hard to create a footpath on your own…paths need walking.” I have met many people on these bog paths, people who come habitually to walk and wander and seek solace in as near to wilderness as can be found amongst the green fields of Meath. Together we walk these paths that were made long ago by people carrying out their turf during the war or accessing their cabins built on the edge of the bog. Accompanied by family, friends, and often canine companions, meeting strangers who become familiar faces, we have created these paths, and maintained their existence through continuous walking.

“A walk is only a step away from a story and every path tells”

Robert Macfrlane, The Old Ways

We are wayfarers, as Tim Ingold describes in his book ‘Lines’, actively engaging with paths, watching, listening and feeling as we go, our “entire being alert to the countless cues that, at every moment, prompt the slightest adjustments to bearing”. The cues along this path once included low hanging branches, roots of trees, undulating humps and hollows, traces of animals, and at various times of the year, crab apples, fungi, lichens, haws, brambles, and bilberries. No longer do we need our entire beings to be alert to these cues or to step aside if we meet another walker. The path is easy to walk on now and wide enough now to pass by but the lesser for it in my view.

And although this short stretch of pathway is a small loss relative to the way our world is changing on a global scale, it is still a feature of the walk I will miss. It is I know so minor in the scheme of things, but reflective of the trend towards sanitising and taming our wild places in the rush to generate tourism and visitor numbers, evidenced by recent controversies such as the Barrow Way. Access can be enabled without negative impacts on local places but this approach requires conversations, and inclusive consultation with the people who regularly use these trails. Pathways can both connect and divide, and I hope we can learn from this experience to better consider local people who love such small, seemingly insignificant places, which are woven almost invisibly into our lives and wanderings.

“Yet knowing how way leads onto way, I doubted if I should ever come back”
Robert Frost

How should we manage recreation at natural places such as bogs, in a way that balances the multiple needs of such sites? Please use the comment box below if you would like to give feedback on this post.

6 thoughts on “Walk lightly on the earth

  1. Hi
    I was forwarded on your BlogSpot and read same – I thought you had captured the essence of it beautifully
    Here’s the thing about it for me. I am a fairly elderly runner and run everywhere I can in the time that permits.
    I run around Girley bog twice maybe three times a week.
    I have been running around it since before the walkways and additions arrived.
    Over the time I have grown to love and look forward to using the bog and have acquired a great appreciation for the peace, silence, and the old values that I feel close to there.
    I am of the belief that the value of the bog to me and to others is its antiquity and its originality .
    I very much appreciate the work that has been done in highlighting its uniqueness by you and by others .
    In recent times efforts have been made to make it easier for those using the bog to get around.
    I am sure there was adequate consultation etc before these were placed there and that’s not my complaint.
    It’s the essence of it. The bog was there long before we ever started using it. It will hopefully see us out also. My problem is that it’s being turned into something else. There was no need to build the walkways or at least with the intensity that they have appeared. The bog is after all a bog and is wet. If someone comes to a bog and does not expect to get wet or to have to watch where they walk then we really have gone too far. I am aware that people sue and thankfully the Supreme Court have shown the sense that needs to appear in this area now but really do we have to sanitise this to this extent? Where will this end and what are we actually trying to do ?
    Best Wishes and Great Work
    Kevin Byrne

    • Thanks for replying Kevin and for your insights. Yes, I agree with what you say about the originality, antiquity, and uniqueness of the bog, and also that it will see us out! We are just stewards of these places for our brief time on earth, and that’s why it is important to try and take all the varying opinions and viewpoints into account. That is why the Girley Bog Meitheal was started. As I said in my reply to Iain, I do believe people should have access to the countryside, and some of the upgrades that were done in a mucky woodland really improved the experience of the walk – but where do we draw the line? As you say, a healthy bog is a wet bog, it just goes with the territory, and most people know that who visit it. This particular pathway didn’t get wet in winter so I’m not sure why it was done. Anyhow, it can’t be undone so I am hoping that it might at least start a conversation about including the views of local people in development (or preferably less development) of the site. Many thanks, Kate

  2. This raises an interesting question about the relationship between ‘local’ relationships to place and the use of particular sites as, say, tourist or other forms of public utility or amenity. There are, as you indicate, subtle but important differences between developing a respectful relationship with a place in all its existing complexity (and maybe discomfort) and requiring it’s “improvement” as a “public amenity” which requires certain “standards”, of access, walking quality, etc. While this distinction is obviously complicated by issues like disability access, I think it’s still one that’s worth considering because it’s related to the (often unspoken) assumption that global tourism, which demands that all places be treated as consumable utilities must, for economic reasons, always win out over other-than-economic local needs.

    • Thanks for commenting Iain. Yes it is very subtle, and I have mixed feelings even myself. I know that access to the countryside is an important right for people to have. A path similar to this one was put in across a mucky area of woodland and it has greatly improved the experience of walking that section. I’m sure it could be perceived that “you can’t please some people”! It’s just about getting the balance right, and I feel that it is a conversation we need to start having as more people discover and need the sanctuary of wild places such as bogs. And yes, these subtleties can be hard to communicate when the authorities (and some local people too I’m sure) feel they are doing a good thing in developing these places. There are no easy answers but conversations help!

  3. Hi
    I really enjoyed reading your beautifully written blog, Kate.
    I, like many, thoroughly enjoy running or walking Girley bog. It’s such a pleasurable place to be and become one with nature. Over the years there have been many improvements made, allowing for people to access the bog more frequently and take enjoyment from this wonderful countryside.
    However, I do feel disappointed with the most recent upgrade to the narrow pathway running parallel to the orchard field. I never really experienced this part of the trail too wet or mucky and will certainly miss the uniqueness of it. I feel it has now lost most of its charm and character.
    I think you are right , going forward communication is key . We all hopefully have the best interests for the bog at heart and to keep it natural!

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